I'm inspired (even more than usual) to eat seasonally at the moment, as a result of reading Animal, Vegetable, Miracle. This book is amazing. That's all there is to say.
I had a depressing time looking for English fruit at the local wholefood co-op this week. It's fair enough, there just isn't anything much in season, apart from rhubarb, and they didn't have any of that. Shops don't stock stored apples and although there are still plenty in our freezer, I wanted something different. I will admit I succumbed to some European fruit (Spanish plums and satsumas) but I don't feel happy about it. I know its not been air-freighted, and is sold by a thoroughly ethical local co-op, but still, it's come a long way. Though not as far as Argentinian pears!

I'm enormously lucky to live in a house with people who grown lots of fruit and veg. There is salad coming up already, but not in large enough proportions for me to scoff it all, and the promise of new potatoes before long, and then a great abundance of raspberries. I gorged myself on them last summer. It looks like there are also broad beans, runner beans, onions, leeks and squash on the go, plus a greenhouse full of tomatoes. Then come the apples, and hopefully if the weather is drier this year than last, plums. There is a huge pear tree that is so tall we can't pick them. Most frustrating!
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